Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Teens and mobile advertising: bad news/good news- or is it all just bad news?

eMarketer reported last week that More than one-half of teens do not want mobile ads according to a Direct Marketing Association 2008 survey. Compared to adults (64% of adults said they weren't at all interested), this is the good news.  The bad news? Harris Interactive and CTIA found that more than one-half of their teen respondents were not interested in mobile ads, even if there was some sort of incentive. Not all that promising given that teens are using mobile technology constantly and you'd think that they would be more open to paving the way. Which, of course, would only make sense if current mobile advertising and promotions were actually paving the way. Polls? Been there, done that. Contests? Ditto. Coupons? Snore. Music downloads? Better, but not quite good enough. C'mon, mobile marketers, you can do better. How about a game? A social networking component? A really cool app? Teens are perhaps the most technologically savvy and sophisticated audience you've got. They would appreciate it if you didn't dumb it down for them. 

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